Street Address: Antrim Rd, Main St, School St, Cross St, Grancestown Rd, South Bennington Rd, Acre St, Old Stagecoach Rd, Starrett Rd...
Town/City: Bennington
County: Hillsborough
State: New Hampshire
Zipcode: 03442
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Reference Number: 10000185
Certification Date: April 19, 2010
Area of Significance: Community Planning And Development, Industry
Significant Dates: 1950-1974,1925-1949,1900-1924,1875-1899,1850-1874,1825-1849,1800-1824,1750-1799
Architectural Style: Federal; Late Victorian
Historic Function Category: Commerce/Trade; Domestic; Education; Government; Industry/Processing/Extraction; Religion; Transportation
Historic Function Detail: City Hall; Department Store; Manufacturing Facility; Rail-Related; Religious Structure; School; Single Dwelling
Current Function Category: Commerce/Trade; Domestic; Education; Industry/Processing/Extraction; Religion; Social
Current Function Detail: City Hall; Department Store; Energy Facility; Manufacturing Facility; Religious Structure; School; Single Dwelling