Street Address: Roughly: Adams, River, Medway Sts., Millers Lane, Eliot and Adams Sts.
Town/City: Boston
County: Suffolk
State: Massachusetts
Zipcode: 02124
Hotels near Dorchester--Milton Lower Mills Industrial District (Boundary Increase)
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Reference Number: 1000304
Certification Date: April 6, 2001
Area of Significance: Architecture, Commerce
Significant Dates: 1950-1974,1925-1949,1900-1924,1875-1899,1850-1874
Builder: Bradlee, Winslow & Wetherell, Winslow & Wetherell, et al.
Historic Function Category: Industry/Processing/Extraction
Historic Function Detail: Manufacturing Facility
Current Function Category: Commerce/Trade; Domestic
Current Function Detail: Business; Multiple Dwelling; Warehouse