Furnace Hill Brook Historic and Archeological District

Cranston, Rhode Island

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Street Address: Address Restricted

Locality: X

Town/City: Cranston

County: Providence

State: Rhode Island

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Reference Number: 80000097

Certification Date: August 6, 1980

Area of Significance: Architecture, Historic - Aboriginal, Prehistoric, Industry

Significant Dates: 1825-1849,1800-1824,1000-2999 BC,1000 AD-999 BC

Architectural Style: Greek Revival

Builder: Unknown

Historic Function Category: Domestic; Industry/Processing/Extraction

Historic Function Detail: Camp; Extractive Facility

Current Function Category: Domestic; Landscape

Current Function Detail: Single Dwelling; Unoccupied Land

Furnace Hill Brook Historic and Archeological District, Cranston, Rhode Island is a grade 5 historic property.