Street Address: NE of Custer
Locality: X
Town/City: Custer
County: Pennington
State: South Dakota
Zipcode: 57751
Hotels near Harney Peak Lookout Tower, Dam, Pumphouse and Stairway
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Reference Number: 83003019
Inclusion Criteria Code A: The property is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of American history.
Certification Date: March 10, 1983
Property Classification: Site
Area of Significance: Conservation, Entertainment/Recreation, Architecture
Significance Level 4: Local
Key Date: 1938
Other Significant Dates: 1925-1949
Architectural Style: No Style Listed
Builder: multiple
Historic Function Category: Funerary; Government
Historic Function Detail: Fire Station; Graves/Burials; Public Works
Current Function Category: Funerary; Government; Recreation And Culture; Vacant/Not In Use
Current Function Detail: Graves/Burials; Outdoor Recreation; Public Works