Historic Buildings
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Bear Lake
Historic Buildings in Paris, Bear Lake, Idaho
Budge, Taft, Bungalow
Clayton, Russell, Bungalow
Cole House
Pendrey, Joe and Zina, Bungalow
Preston Bungalow
Taylor's Candy Factory
Ashley, Dr. George, House
Ashley, George, Sr., House
Allred, Ezra, Bungalow
Allred, Ezra, Cottage
Bear Lake Market
Beck Barns and Automobile Storage
Bishop West Barn
Browning Block
Budge Cottage
Budge, Alfred, House
Budge, Julia, House
Cook, Joseph, House
Davis, E. F., House
Grimmett, John, Jr., House and Outbuildings
Grimmett, Orson, Bungalow
Grunder Cabin and Outbuildings
Hoffman Barn
Hoge, Walter, House
Hotel Paris
Hulme, Amos, Barn
Innes, Kate, House
Innes, Thomas, House
Jaussi Bungalow
Keller House and Derick
Kelsey, Robert, Bungalow
LDS Seminary
LDS Stake Office Building
Latham Bungalow
Law, Oren, House and Outbuildings
Lewis Barn
Lewis Bungalow
Lewis, Fred, Cottage
Linvall, J. L., House and Outbuilding
Linvall, Robb, House
Low, Morris, Bungalow
Nye, James, House
Old LDS Tithing/Paris Post Building
Paris Lumber Company Building
Paris Photo Studio
Paris Public School
Pendrey Drug Store Building
Poulson, Jim, House
Price, Dan, House
Price, Fred, Bungalow
Price, Herber, Bungalow
Price, Joe, House
Price, Robert, House
Rich, Landon, House
Rich, William L., House
Rich-Grandy Cabin
Rogers, Franklin, Bungalow
Rogers, Frederick, House
Shepherd Bungalow
Shepherd Hardware
Shepherd, Earl, Bungalow
Shepherd, J. R., House
Shepherd, Les and Hazel, Bungalow
Shepherd, Ted, Cottage
Sleight, Thomas, Cabin
Smedley, Thomas, House
Spencer, George, House
Stoker, Henry, House and Outbuildings
Stucki, J. U., House and Outbuildings
Sutton, John, House
Taylor, Arthur, House
Telephone Company Bungalow
Tueller, Jacob, Jr., House
Tueller, Jacob, Sr., House
Wives of Charles C. Rich Historic District
Collings, James, Jr., House
Sheidigger, John, House and Outbuildings
Wallentine Farmstead
Weilermann, Gus, House
Bear Lake County Courthouse
Bear Lake Stake Tabernacle
Paris Cemetery
Pendrey, Arthur, Cottage
Athay, Sam, House
Rich, Joseph, Barn
Location Map