Street Address: U.S. 1
Locality: X
Town/City: Key Largo
County: Monroe
State: Florida
Zipcode: 33037
Hotels near John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and Reserve
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Reference Number: 72000340
Inclusion Criteria Code D: The property has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in history or prehistory.
Certification Date: April 14, 1972
Property Classification: Site
Area of Significance: Archeology - Prehistoric, Commerce, Archeology - Non-Aboriginal, Military, Transportation, Maritime History
Significance Level 2: National
Significant Dates: 1499-1000 AD, 1900-1750 AD, 1749-1500 AD, 1925-1949
Historic Function Category: Transportation
Historic Function Detail: Water-Related
Current Function Category: Landscape
Current Function Detail: Park