Historic Buildings
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Historic Buildings in Lawrence, Douglas, Kansas
Bell, George and Annie, House
Miller, Robert H., House
Blood, Col. James, House
Douglas County Courthouse
Dyche Hall, University of Kansas
Old Lawrence City Hall
Old Lawrence City Library
Zimmerman, S. T., House
Usher, John Palmer, House
Taylor, Lucy Hobbs, Building
Stephens, Judge Nelson T., House
Spooner Hall, University of Kansas
Roberts, John N., House
Ludington House
Old West Lawrence Historic District
Riggs, Samuel A., House
Green Hall, University of Kansas
Duncan, Charles, House
Eldridge House Hotel
Achning, Ralph and Cloyd, House
Priestly House
Morse, Dr. Frederic D., House
Benedict House
Haskell Institute
Vermilya--Boener House
English Lutheran Church
Snow House
Clinton School District 25
Strong Hall
Bailey Hall
Goodrich, Eugene F., House
McCurdy, Witter S., House
US Post Office--Lawrence
Greenlee, Michael D., House
Lawrence's Downtown Historic District
North Rhode Island Street Historic Residential District
South Rhode Island and New Hampshire Street Historic Residential District
Pinckney I Historic District
Pinckney II Historic District
Hancock (12th Street) Historic District
Saint Luke African Methodist Episcopal Church
House, Edward, House
Double Hyperbolic Paraboloid House
Oread Historic District
East Lawrence Industrial Historic District
Breezedale Historic District
Fernand--Strong, House
United Presbyterian Center
Mackie, George K., House
Plymouth Congregational Church
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