Street Address: 337 SW. Kingston Ave.
Town/City: Portland
County: Multnomah
State: Oregon
Zipcode: 97205
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Reference Number: 2000674
Inclusion Criteria Code B: The property is associated with a significant person or people of the American past.
Certification Date: September 15, 2002
Property Classification: Building
Area of Significance: Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Commerce
Significance Level 4: Local
Significant Dates: 1925-1949, 1950-1974
Architectural Style: Colonial Revival
Builder: Albert E. Doyle
Historic Function Category: Agriculture/Subsistence; Domestic
Historic Function Detail: Horticulture Facility; Single Dwelling
Current Function Category: Agriculture/Subsistence; Domestic
Current Function Detail: Horticulture Facility; Single Dwelling