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North Dakota
Grand Forks
Historic Buildings in Grand Forks, Grand Forks, North Dakota
Building at 201 S. 3rd St.
Building at 205 DeMers Ave.
Building at 312 Kittson Ave.
Building at 317 S. 3rd St.
Dakota Block
Edgar Building
Finks and Gokey Block
First National Bank
Grand Forks City Hall
Grand Forks Mercantile Co.
Grand Forks Woolen Mills
Hook and Ladder No. 1 and Hose Co. No. 2
Iddings Block
Lyons Garage
Masonic Temple
New Hampshire Apartments
Northern Pacific Depot and Freight House
Odd Fellows Block
Roller Office Supply
Speed Printing
St. John's Block Commercial Exchange
Stratford Building
Telephone Co. Building
Wright Block
DeRemer, Joseph Bell, House
Wheeler, Dr. Henry, House
Grand Forks Herald
Viets Hotel
Grand Forks County Courthouse
Oxford House
U.S. Post Office and Courthouse
Clifford, George B., House
Campbell, Thomas D., House
St. Michael's Church
Great Northern Freight Warehouse and Depot
Blome, R. S., Granitoid Pavement in Grand Forks
United Lutheran Church
Washington School
North Dakota Mill and Elevator
Dinnie Apartments
House at 1648 Riverside Drive
Kelly, J. Nelson, House
St. Michael's Hospital and Nurses' Residence
Beare, Harriet and Thomas, House
South Junior High School
Sorlie Memorial Bridge
Metropolitan Opera House
Grand Forks Mercantile Building 1898
Grand Forks Near Southside Historic District
Downtown Grand Forks Historic District
Grand Forks Near Southside Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Grand Forks Riverside Neighborhood Historic District
University of North Dakota Historic District
Grand Forks County Fairgrounds WPA Structures
WPA Stone Structures in Memorial Park and Calvary Cemetery
Blome, R. S., Granitoid Pavement in Grand Forks (Boundary Decrease)
Kegs Drive-In, The
B'nai Israel Synagogue and Montefiore Cemetery
Location Map