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South Dakota
Historic Buildings in Spearfish, Lawrence, South Dakota
Frawley Historic Ranch
Episcopal Church of All Angels
Halloran-Matthews-Brady House
Lown, William Ernest, House
Spearfish Historic Commercial District
Dickey, Walter, House
Kroll Meat Market and Slaughterhouse
Cook, Fayette, House
Keets, Henry, House
Wolzmuth, John, House
Mail Building, The
Spearfish Filling Station
Uhlig, Otto L., House
Riley, Almira, House
Knight, Webb S., House
Driskill, William D., House
Dickey, Eleazer C. and Gwinnie, House
Whitney, Mary, House
Spearfish City Hall
Hewes, Arthur, House
Corbin, James A., House
Court, Henry, House
Ainsworth, Oliver N., House
Homestake Workers House
Spearfish Fisheries Center (Boundary Increase)
Spearfish Fisheries Center
Redwater Bridge, Old
Baker Bungalow
Toomey House
Spearfish Post Office (Old)
McLaughlin Ranch Barn
Walsh Barn
Walton Ranch
Daktoa Tin and Gold Mine
Location Map